My books in english


Gossips et Manipulations (posté le 24/05/2013 à 13:05)

Two people of opposite sexes get to know through social networks. A third person involved, and handles them to ensure a financial future. Contemplate the dangers of social networks, and the middle of the show bizness where true love has no place, but manipulation of any kind with the ntent to harm:"yes" ..




MEADOW, Volume1 : "Heads or Tails" (posté le 28/08/2012 à 12:17)


Meadow is a modern princess. She is a young woman in her twenties She has two lives. In her life personnal and professional, people is a far cry from knowing her true face. Meadow has found a real appetite for human flesh. She is a cannibalistic serial killer. She kills the man as a hunter kills a animal. For her, eating these compatriots is normal ...


"PROMISE" (posté le 28/08/2012 à 12:13)


Ruth made a promise to his old girlfriend Sylvia: "We must separate, so that we can we learn about life on our own. But if one day we find ourselves and that we are single, then I promise you we will begin again a new relationship. "
They remade their separate lives. But they saw each other, and their lives, their decision, their choice came to be changed.
Feel the feeling of love, hate, forgiveness, what to choose? That is the question?
Our first love is always hard to forget, that the separation is by mutual agreement or not. It's like a scar for life. So we trust him, we still believe. But when you're hurt too, which breaks his word, nothing will. We lost against a promise not kept.


"Beyond all borders (Long version)" (posté le 28/08/2012 à 11:55)


 Elly is a young orphan and resourceful student. For holidays, she found a job. She meets a man. But their differences will turn everything upside down in their lives. This inequality must not exist. Will she be accepted for what she is? Between manipulations, lies, secrets: Will their relationship survive? ..


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