The bell rang. It was six in the morning.  I wanted to lazy.  But there was something positive: I was going to be reunited with my handsome love Ruth.  We’d been together for four years.  He’d been playing attacker on the university soccer team.  He was tanned, had light brown hair, a bit long and a wonderful athletic body.  We were both seniors studying literature.  My first name is Sylvia, and I had been accompanying Ruth to all the stadiums as a cheerleader.  Would you like to know what I like look?  If you insist!  I can say: small as a bee, bronzed skin, hairy very black and curly.  Every morning at 7 o’clock, Ruth would come pick me up in his amazing gray car.  For that matter, I should not be late getting ready.  I always made us late. Ah, girls! No to generalize! But I admit that I like taking my time, particularly in the morning!  Alright Sylvia, get up and go!  I was finally deciding to get out of bed.


Thingswere heating up around us.  We were preparing for the senior dance.  Between choosing a dress, makeup and for some a date to the dance.  It was, a bit nerve-racking.  Each of us wanted to be the best looking one.  Something that is perfectly fine. I wasn’t too crazy about success on this celebration day. However I wanted to look good for the man I love.  Asides from this, everything went well with classes.  Ruth and I-same drink in hand every night.  He did well in history and I did well in literature.  Our grades were decent, about a B.  I could say that were inseparable.  And it was so good!




At the end of the night, we found a little tranquil corner.  All of a sudden, I felt that he was uneasy, hesitant.  This surprised me.  I remind him that he could talk to me without holding back, as it has always been the case between us. But this time, it was different. He asked me to sit down on the bench facing us.  I did.  He took a deep breath, two or three before finally speaking:

“You are a wonderful girl, you’re one of those that every man wishes he had by his side.  I am the happiest man in the world...I know it...! But...You and I, we can’t continue living what we’re living”.  I was surprised, I looked smug. I didn’t get it!

The only word I could mutter was: “Why"

And the only thing he could say was:

“We have always been inseparable and it’s not a bad thing!  It’s just that you and I, we have to find our own path.  We’re young, and we can change.  Me, I already changed!  It’s not that I don’t love you anymore.  It’s just time to move on to other things.”

Ruth got a fresh start, some 300 kilometers north of me.  He finally got hired by this airline company after a long and competitive interview process.




On my end, I was moving south, in an Indian reservation for my history courses.  Near its inhabitants out of the norm, who called themselves protectors and very close to nature.  I had my own tent.  I was feeling pretty good, away from it all.  I was out of my environment.  I was finally feeling a clean air. There were about twenty residents.  I didn’t know them all.  However, they knew me. I was the talk of the village.  Why? Just because I was a stranger.  I got to know Liam, a charming young man. 


For a moment, he was a bit distant and received a telepathic message from the falcon, telling him not to forget the prophecy.  That of a foreign woman who came to bring distress to the village.  Liam came to himself and spoke to me as if nothing happened.


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