Beyond all borders (Long version)

We are in the 21st century, in which many attacks have taken place, in which behaviors are accepted and things have changed; most importantly, in which development is at the forefront. Yet, unfortunately certain issues are taboo, especially for people who have crossed over from one century to another. I am referring to ancestors and some younger people who themselves, do not want to see further than the tip of their noses. It is not my intention to judge them, far from my idea. I am just expressing disappointment, sadness and incomprehension. To state my opinion~ How is it that we do not accept a mixed couple, what we call a blend? The mixture of cultures; is it not beautiful?  My name is Elly; I am a student who lost my parents in a public place fire.  This is my story…




By now, we were well into the summer and I had to find a job.

I felt the smell of exhaust pipes, or pancakes. They went up to my nose. People were dressed very lightly so the heat was stifling. The cars honked for nothing. People were walking so fast they ran. They jostled even without saying sorry. This is the problem of large cities. I needed to find a job in the restaurant as a waitress but too hard with the heat!

To find a receptionist job in a bank or any company.

So I headed to a bar where I normally hang out, and read the classified ads while drinking my coffee on the terrace.

It was warm and rustic solid pine stained in golden oak polished by hand. There were a dozen distributors of alcohol suspended. Each side of the bar, there was a bottle holder iron wall. Those were more for decoration. At the time of day, it was there a few people. I sit down to drink coffee on the terrace. I loved watching people walk. Breathe the air of the city. Hear people talk. Even sometimes people who read their newspapers and end up tripping on a step because they do not look ahead. It was good entertainment! Anyway, back to things more serious! I had to put me reading job ads.

There was one that particularly caught my attention:

I was immediately excited about this announcement. Why not? I was just hoping they wished to hire a young girl from Paris.

"Estate located near the beach is looking for a housekeeper for the months of June / July / August. Possibility to enjoy recreation in the vicinity during non-work hours ."I rushed to call the number listed and I fell on a woman who presented herself as Mrs. DelaFouche, the owner of the Field. She seemed very nice. She even offered to pay for my train ride! I was reluctant at first, but she insisted so much that I could not refuse.


I walked into the town’s local bar and smoke shop and asked for directions to Madame DelaFouche’s Estate. They seemed well acquainted with this place and this family; who apparently had all the riches of the city. "Why not!”

It was a small village, the people were very friendly and the houses were made of stone.

A very attractive young man accosted me and offered to take me there on his scooter. I figured : His name was Brice; I couldn’t help but notice his physique and mysterious eyes. The vacation was starting out pretty well! I sat behind him, and pressed as hard as I could.


I rang the front doorbell and was greeted by a man dressed in a tailored suit and a bow tie. He must have been in his fifties. I told him that Mrs. DelaFouche was expecting me. He let me in and had me wait in a lounge decorated with sumptuous 1800 style furniture. There were portraits of people hanging on the walls, including one that reminded me of Brice~ which I found intriguing.  Finally, after about ten minutes, Mrs. DelaFouche approached me. She was beautiful, very classy, with long gray hair and tight facial features. On the other hand, she seemed much less happy to see me. She was much colder than over the phone. Anyway, that did not matter. The important thing was that I get this job, and do not disappoint my employer. She was visibly uncomfortable shaking my hand; in fact, she seemed quite hypocritical. She went over the operation of the Estate. I was simply to clean her room, that of her son, and serve breakfast and dinner.


Well, I would not get to enjoy the sun. It was 30 ° C in Paris and exactly 10 o'clock in the morning as I walked the streets bombarded with tourists.

She showed me the two rooms which needed to be cleaned; they occupied one floor each! There was everything: a bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen and a living room! Talk about a lot of work ... And that's when I was pleasantly surprised. Her son was in his room and it was none than Brice. He could not help but to smile, neither could I and needless to say his mother did not appreciate. She immediately closed the room door after the presentations.


I was on holiday while I worked. I installed my towel and my bag on the sand under one of those coconut trees.

It was Brice! He was happy to see me and we stood there and talked about any and everything right there in the water.

He was really bronzed!

I did not waste time running into the sea where there were many people.It was very nice to be able to push her toes in the sand. To feel waves of tiny rub on my belly. It was like a natural massage! I relax, when suddenly I felt a hand brush against my back. I  observed this splendid body bathed by the sun.   

 He stared at me with such an enticing look that at one point I even asked if he was flirting with me. He replied with that smile that made me melt(...)

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